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FDA approval to commence Phase I/IIa clinical trial for alcoholism View press release.

Revolutionary Psychedelics for Treating Addiction & Mental Health

Clearmind Medicine develops breakthrough treatments for binge behaviour and mental health, including alcohol use disorder, binge eating and depression.

They Call it The Miracle

What if a novel psychedelic could be the solution to one of society's most complicated and expensive mental health issues: Alcohol Use Disorder?

Our First Indication

Alcohol Use Disorder

Over 57 million Americans report four or more episodes of heavy drinking per month...

... With an average of seven drinks per episode.1

Over 18 million Americans struggle with Alcohol Use Disorder2—the inability to reduce alcohol consumption
55% of victims of intimate partner violence report alcohol abuse by their abusive partner.3
Approximately half of all sexual assaults are committed by men who had been drinking alcohol.4
35% of parental child abuse offenders consumed either alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.5

The Economic Cost

Alcohol and substance abuse have a higher economic burden than heart disease, depression and other leading health problems.

The Competition

Large Market & Competitive Density

Our Solution

MEAI: A New Psychoactive Molecule

5-Methoxy-2-aminoindane, or "MEAI"

MEAI exerts a euphoric alcohol-like experience and a reduced desire to consume alcoholic beverages with potential to change the lives of millions who struggle to drink in moderation.

How MEAI Works

Mark Haden, Clearmind’s VP Business Development, describes the MEAI treatment experience.

View Full Interview

It’s the ‘enough’ switch. [MEAI] signals to the brain that it is satisfied, that it wants nothing.

—Ezekiel Golan, Special Advisor for Innovation and New Initiatives

Why MEAI is Different

A New and Unique Psychedelic Treatment

The information presented in this table is based solely on the Company’s own market research. Actual information may contradict the Company’s findings.
[2] Carnicella S, He DY, Yowell QV, Glick SD, Ron D. Noribogaine, but not 18-MC, exhibits similar actions as ibogaine on GDNF expression and ethanol self-administration. Addict Biol. 2010 Oct;15(4):424-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2010.00251.x. PMID: 21040239; PMCID: PMC3783954.

Our Patents

A Portfolio of 19 Patent Families

Clearmind patents consist of 19 utility patent families owned by the company.
These include 29 granted patents.

Our Treatments

Proprietary Treatment Candidates

Our Team

An experienced public company leader and a skilled navigator of clinical trial processes, Dr. Zuloff-Shani is leading the Clearmind team.

Adi Zuloff-Shani, PhD

Dr. Adi Zuloff-Shani is a Biomedical Research and Development Executive with a vast experience with over 20 years of strategic and operational leadership in the healthcare industry and a deep understanding of therapeutics development in heavily regulated environments.

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